Scientists have found that facts that are not related to each other are easier to remember than related.
The snails helped to make such a conclusion. Its structure is much simpler than human, but at the same time, it has some similarities. This allows you to use the brain of snails as a model for research, transferring them to humans.
The essence of the research was that when training snails, scientists used disgust and the reward of food. Analyzing the data on the recording of the action of the brain, it was concluded that when snails tried to choose similar objects, he used one neuron for this, which provoked a competition of memories. As a result, snails remembered only one of two identical objects.
At that time, when snails try to remember different objects, they use different neurons without causing them competition. Thanks to this, the snails remembered both objects.
The upper and lower parts of the hippocampus are responsible for memories that differ in emotional coloring. When this or that part of the hippocampus is activated, suppression or strengthening of memories may occur.
Based on the studies, scientists concluded that if a person needs to remember any information, he should switch to other topics without trying to remember data that is similar by any criteria at the same time.
Thus, snails helped scientists finally understand how the process of memorizing certain information occurs. Thanks to this, now each of us has the ability to remember the necessary data and information much easier and faster.